More than 1,000 at SDSU participating in softball
April 10, 2006
Tim Knutson
Slow pitch co-ed intramural softball is one of the most popular intramural sports offered here at SDSU. This year, a record 1008 students signed up to play co-rec softball, and just under 100 more waiting to be involved. Softball is one of the most popular sports offered by the school, and that is evident by the number of students involved.
There are currently 17 leagues competing. Teams play two games one night a week in their league. Two leagues play each night Monday through Friday, and three leagues compete on Sundays. The games start at 3 o’clock each day. Due to the amount of interest this year in co-rec softball, an additional league was added on Fridays. Teams play in-league and the top two teams from each league move on to the co-rec softball tournament. This is a single-elimination tournament and usually takes three days to complete. This year, the tournament starts on April 27.
The intramurals provide students a chance to show their competitive side. Kyle Heer of the Spitting Llamas said, “We need to win every game to make it to the playoffs and that’s what it’s all about. A lot of students played most of these sports in high school and events like this give them a chance to continue participating in the activities they love.”
Mandy Brendemuehl, a sophomore from Medford, Minn., said, “It was weird moving from high school, where I played everything, to college where I wasn’t a student athlete.” Mandy went on to say that she enjoys playing everything the intramural office offers.
Another important aspect of intramurals is the chance to meet new people. Mandy said she met most of her team here in Brookings.
She said, “A lot of the people I played against in high school, or they’re just friends that we meet on campus.”
Mandy plays for the Smackers, who are currently undefeated and hoping to make it into the tournament.
On the competitive side of things, Mandy said, “We’re playing pretty good, we have never played together, and we are undefeated, and I would not be anywhere without my teammates.”
Mark Ekeland, Intramural/Special Projects coordinator, said, “It’s exiting to be able to provide a recreational and fun activity that so many students enjoy.”
The Intramural office is seeing an increase in student participation in all areas. One hundred and twenty-six more students are participating in co-rec softball this year than last year. Overall, the Intramural department saw an increase this year by almost 800.
Heer, a sophomore from Doland, said, “I play intramurals because it’s a good reason to get outside, have fun and to meet new people.”
Intramurals are an important aspect of life here at SDSU. They provide a perfect reason to take a break from studying and get some exercise. There is one more event still available for students to participate in. Track registration started on Monday and is still open. There are a number of individual events that students can compete in. The meet will take place on April 26, at 4 o’clock, and will be located on the outdoor track on campus. For more information about the track meet or intramurals, stop by the Intramural office which is located in the HPER building.