Summer changes begin once students leave campus
July 23, 2006
Faith Moldan
While students are off campus earning money for their return in the fall, or enjoying the summer, Physical Plant will be hard at work repairing, building and designing new features at SDSU.
A steam line running from Frost Arena to the Barn will be replaced.
Other changes include:
? The Briggs Library cooling tower will be replaced, starting May 15.
? The Crothers Engineering Hall roof will be replaced over the old part of the building.
? The parking lot next to Pugsley will be repaved, the Larson Commons loop, and the Animal Science Arena parking lot will be repaved.
? Pugsley will receive a kindergarten addition to the northeast corner of the building.
? The Sorenson Center will receive a flight simulator for the aviation department.
? Design will begin for the Wintrode Student Success Center this summer. The building will replace the United Ministries Center.
? Design for the new Wellness Center will begin.
? The new science building is under debate. It will either be attached to Shepard Hall or become a stand-alone building.
? The Wecota Hall basement will receive classroom additions.
? The $3.5 million Equestrian Center build will begin north of the Highway 14 Bypass.
The Physical Plant is in charge of all the ongoing projects this summer. Students will be hired for the summer. Contact Abigail Wiebesiek at 688-6617.
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