Conquering the course
October 17, 2006
Brian Kimmes
Frisbees flew as disc golfers played the first SDSU intramural disc golf tournament on Saturday, Oct. 14.
Throughout the first six weeks of the school year, students had the opportunity to pick up a disc golf scorecard from the intramural office and then return it for the chance to compete in the tournament.
More than 40 students turned in scorecards. The ten players with the best scores competed in the tournament. The entrants were ranked based on their scores, with the players with the worst scores squaring off against the players with the best scores in match-play competition.
In match-play competition, the overall score is irrelevant. Only each individual hole counts. Match play is decided by which player wins the most holes, not which player has the lowest overall score.
Will Vogel earned the men’s champion title. He entered the tournament as the No. 2 seed. He defeated No. 7-seed Zachary Plovanic, 2-0, in the championship match. Plovanic defeated No.-1 seed Chad Jungman in a 3-2 semifinal match to make it to the final. Vogel also was in a tight semifinal match, defeating No.-3 seed Brady Lowe, 2-1.
Vogel said he has been playing disc golf for about four years. He began playing because his friends did.
“I knew people who played,” he said.
Throughout the beginning of the semester, Vogel said he played on average “two times a week.” During his playing, he said the lowest nine-hole score was seven under par, which he earned a couple of times.
Entering the tournament, Vogel said he was serious, yet at the same time just looking to have a good time.
“I didn’t expect much,” he said.
Vogel said he had only participated in one tournament before the intramural tournament, and it was just for fun.
Although Vogel won the match-play tournament, he was not a proponent of the match-play format. He said he would have preferred a stroke-play instead of match play.
Vogel also said he would like to see some sort of intramural disc golf league set up, instead of the current system where people can just grab a scorecard and turn it in if they want.
On the women’s side, only Kristy Andersen turned in a scorecard to compete in the tournament, so she was automatically declared the winner.
Both the men and women winners received t-shirts.
#1.884087:3133954326.JPG:DiscGolf02.JPG:A student gets ready to tee off at the disc golf course.: