Need to save money?

Jen Jungwirth

Jen Jungwirth

Junior Tasha Overmyer works two jobs. Each demands much of her time, some nights until 12 or 1 a.m., taking away from school, family and sleep.

However, the bills still must be paid, but Overmyer doesn’t let it overwhelm her.

“Yes, I work two jobs,” she said. “I work hard for what I want, and I make my money work for me.”

It is not uncommon for students to work full-time at one or more jobs in order to pay the bills. However, it should not cause excess stress when the rent check comes every month.

Students offer simple tips in order to save money and monitor their spending.

Junior ag systems technology major Adam Bushfield finds it quite simple to keep his money in check.

“I just don’t spend it,” he said.

But when the time does come to pay the bills, he finds it easiest to keep tabs through his checkbook.

“I keep my checkbook in balance and watch it,” he said. “I’ve managed it since I got it in high school.”

Bushfield said he watches the grocery ads in order to spot better deals on food items and save a few dollars.

Nick Ihnen agrees monitoring money is the best way to save.

Ihnen, a junior ag business major, finds using a cash ledger beneficial when monitoring cash flow.

“I write down all my transactions and I use online checking to keep my books in balance,” he said.

Ihnen finds cooking for himself allows him to save money.

“It may not taste as good, but it’s definitely cheaper.”

Limiting the amount of cash in students’ pockets can also help reduce unhealthy spending habits.

“When I get my paycheck, it goes directly into my savings,” said junior advertising major Alicia Fjeldheim.

“I don’t even keep most of the cash from my tip money. Otherwise it is just too tempting.”

Other students find buying textbooks online helps save a few extra dollars, which can be used for more important things.

“I’ve always had good luck buying my textbooks online,” said senior early childhood major Wendy Beardemphl. “It depends on what you get. Some are only 20 dollars cheaper, but it still helps save money.”

Beardemphl orders her books through, a part of Ebay.

She said it can take five to six weeks to receive books, so ordering them early is always beneficial.

Also, students’ should keep receipts in order to return books and review the online return policies.

#1.884190:87174229.jpg:Money02.jpg:Many students use checkbooks and online banking to keep track of their accounts.:Erin Lester