Graduation ceremonies set for Dec. 13
December 9, 2008
Jamison Lamp
Graduates will fill Frost Arena Dec. 13 for the fall graduation ceremony.
There are over 751 graduates, with 455 participating in the ceremony starting at 10 a.m.
Mildred Flynn, an English professor, and Dick Shane, professor emeritus of economics, are the Honorary Marshalls for the ceremony.
Howard Smith will deliver the graduation address, “Change: It’s all the small stuff.” Smith is the interim dean of the College of Education and Counseling.
Receiving an honorary doctorate for public service is Lowell Amiotte, associate professor emeritus of the College of Education and Counseling. Amiotte founded the annual Oak Lake Tribal Writers’ Retreat and the SDSU American Indian History and Cultural Conference during his 11 years at SDSU.
The SDSU Concert Band, directed by Jim Coull, and the Women’s Choir, under the direction of Laura Diddle-Hildebrant, have musical selections planned for the event.
Students have a lot to prepare for as graduation approaches.
“Actually, this semester feels almost exactly the same as every other semester, except with a few extra deadlines and purchases like the cap and gown,” Dallas Sargent, an English major from Lead, said.
Sargent is also concerned about his plans after graduation.
“With copious amounts of homework and stuff to focus on now, it is hard to find the time or energy to devote to finding a job, especially with the current state of the economy and news of massive layoffs,” Sargent said.