Writing center brings competition to campus
February 3, 2009
Emily Wickstrom
The SDSU Writing Center is hosting a writing competition during International Writing Center Week, Feb. 8 through 13.
Interested students should submit an original limerick, haiku, poem, anecdote or narrative (fictional or non-fictional) of fewer than 50 words to the Writing Center. The winner will be published in The Collegian.
The Writing Center will host a reception to honor the winner and honorable mentions between 3 and 5 p.m. on Feb. 11.
Submissions are due by Friday, Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. at the Writing Center located in Wintrode Student Success Center Room 201.
“We hope students will have fun and [have] the opportunity to visit the Writing Center,” said Nicole Biever, one of the many people working on the contest. “We keep busy all the time during the year, but [it] seems only a few students hear about us. We want to help as many students as we can.”