Gullible? Consider this fair warning
March 31, 2009
Shelbie Kinsey
It is that time of year again – time for our favorite holiday. Yes, it’s April Fool’s Day, whether you loathe it or love it.
Whether you are the prankster or the one getting pranked, there is no doubt about it, on April 2, there is always a story to be told. On campus, pranks are pulled all year round, from saran wrapping toilet seats and duct taping people in rooms to commissioning a floor-length Slip ‘n’ Slide. If you live in Hansen Hall, a prank would probably involve a live animal, like sheep on the fourth floor. Figure that one out! April Fool’s Day simply makes a holiday out of us college kids’ daily debaucheries.
“I remember last year someone made signs and posted them all over Pierson telling us to wish one of the CAs a happy birthday,” said Angie Herlitz, a sophomore psychology major from Hillsboro, Wis. “She received birthday wishes from people for the whole week, but it wasn’t really her birthday, so it really ticked her off. It was hilarious to see how mad she got over something as simple as a fake birthday.”
“My twin brother and I sometimes go to each others’ classes; not a lot of people notice, so it is kind of like my own secret prank,” said Jason Bumstead, a sophomore wildlife and fisheries major.
The target of a lot of our pranks on campus would be our brave CAs. Face it guys, we really put them through a lot.
“I am not a good prankster. I am usually just the target,” said Lisa Martinson, a senior and CA of third-floor Pierson. “I came back from a three-day weekend and could barely open my door. When I finally got it open, it was full of balloons basically from floor to ceiling. They got every nook and cranny. It was actually quite impressive.”
Many of the students I spoke to planned on participating in the antics of April Fools’ Day, but no one seemed to be as excited about it as the boys on the second floor of Pierson.
“Late the night before, we are going to go underneath all the toilets and showers and lock them from the inside, put Saran Wrap on the toilet seats and steal all the toilet paper,” said one boy who wishes to remain anonymous to ensure a successful prank.
“Yeah, I do not think that the floor could handle our full wrath, but it should be a pretty good time anyway,” said the second anonymous boy.
Whatever you have planned, make sure it’s safe and legal, and please spare your poor janitors.