Thanks, entertainment
November 17, 2009
Andrew Lafrance
SDSU students are preparing for Thanksgiving by reporting what they are most thankful for in the entertainment world.
Amanda Biggs, a sophomore early childhood education major from Rapid City, S.D., said she is thankful for the Country Music Channel because, “the music can put me to sleep. It’s very soothing and relatable.”
While Biggs may be more thankful for the music television side of entertainment, sophomore graphic design major Chelsea Anderson said she is glad for technology.
“I like being able to keep tabs on the world from wherever I am,” the Sioux Falls native said.
Caitlin Ralston, from Sioux City, Iowa, said she is glad that celebrities provide amusing antics for her to enjoy.
“I’m most thankful that celebrities get paid millions of dollars to make me laugh at their stupidity on television,” the sophomore sociology major said.
Ralston’s favorite celebrity is Will Ferrell, who has made a name for himself by starring in comedies.
Andy Jensen, a junior general agriculture and animal science major from Wakonda, S.D. said he also enjoys comedy.
“I also appreciate a funny movie,” Jensen said. “One that can make me laugh so hard it hurts.”
Anderson enjoys laughing at the TV show, “The Big Bang Theory”.
Senior early childhood education major Mary Ellen Manning had something to say about television as well. “I am thankful that TV shows provide me with multiple opportunities for study breaks – also known as procrastination,” Manning said. The Beresford, S.D. native said that Taylor Swift is her favorite musical artist, and enjoyed watching her on the Country Music Awards last week.
“I watched her when I should have been doing my homework,” Manning said.
Jensen prefers George Strait to Swift, because he is a music veteran.
Biggs, who plans on spending Thanksgiving at home with her parents in Rapid City, said she is also excited for the release of New Moon on Friday. “I am going with all my friends,” she said. “It is definitely something I am thankful for.”