Who’s a Jackrabbit?
January 26, 2010
SDSU is home to literally thousands of diverse and unique individuals – 11,995 people to be exact, each different than the next. Often we see statistics and numbers that try to show this diversity, but people are not just numbers. Everyone has his or her story. We often forget that these statistics are made up of people, and it’s the people that make SDSU more than a place.
41 percent of current freshmen receive the Jackrabbit GuaranteeScholarship money is a big draw for out-of-state students.
By Tony Gorder
Fourty-one percent of the 2008-09 freshman class received a 24 or higher on the ACT, making over 850 of the 2,101 freshmen enrolled this fall eligible for the Jackrabbit Guarantee.
One such student is Jessica Graham, an 18-year-old freshmen dietetics/pre-nutrition major from Papillion, Neb.
Graham said the Jackrabbit Guarantee was an influence in her choosing SDSU.
“I was looking at another university in Nebraska, and they don’t really offer the same kinds of scholarships as SDSU,” said Graham. “Knowing that (the Jarckrabbit Guarantee) was going to be for all four years-it was better. Other universities seem like they only give you scholarships for one year or lower the amount after the first year.”
The Jackrabbit Guarantee is a renewable scholarship program started in 2001 available to students who scored a 24 or higher on the ACT. The program guarantees students $1000 each year for a maximum of four years, as long as students maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average and take 15 credits per semester.
Grahams said that the Jackrabbit Guarantee makes paying for college easier.
“I know I have that $1000 every year,” said Grahams. “A lot less student loans need to be paid off.”
Graham said she first considered SDSU when her high school family and consumer sciences teacher, who is also an alumnus of SDSU, recommended it to her.
“She said it was a great college,” said Graham.
Graham said she learned about the Jackrabbit Guarantee when she was getting ready to apply, something that made the application process go smoother.
“I knew I was already eligible before I applied,” said Gaham. “It almost made it easier to apply. I knew I had that money.”
Graham said the Jackrabbit Guarantee is a positive program for SDSU.
“I think it’s a very good idea. It offers a guaranteed scholarship,” said Graham. “Students don’t have to question whether they’re eligible or not.”
2008 brought the second highest freshman enrollment in historyOne freshman from Blunt became a second generation Jackrabbit.
By Ruth Brown
The population of SDSU has risen in recent years due in part to increasingly larger freshmen classes.
In the fall of 2008, SDSU had their second highest enrollment of freshmen in SDSU history, raking in 2,101 students – 1,052 being men and 1,049 being women.
Pauline Mathews is one of the many freshmen at SDSU this year. Mathews, a biology major from Blunt, said she came here because she has family that did.
“My dad came here before me, so I came here,” said Matthews. “It was kind of a family thing.”
Mathews said she enjoys being at SDSU because of the people she has met and the friends she has made. She said her experiences living in the residence halls have also been great.
“We have a lot of fun in our dorm, there are a lot more people than I’m used to and there’s a big variety,” said Mathews. “Our Community Assistant is really cool.”
Mathews enjoys participating in intramural sports like basketball and softball.
She said one of the biggest challenges in moving from high school to SDSU is learning to manage your time. Mathews said she wishes there was a little more to do in Brookings, but she and her friends always end up finding something.
Although Mathews said she is unsure as to what she will do after she graduates, she plans to stay at SDSU and hopes that she will have more fun.
More than half of SDSU students are South Dakota ResidentsStudent is pleased with decision to stay in state for many reasons.
By Ruth Brown
Over half of the SDSU student body is made up of South Dakota residents that came to this university after high school graduation.
Brad Liechti Brent Liechti, a junior math education major, is originally from Clear Lake, S.D., which is approximately 40 minutes from Brookings.
“One of the major reasons for choosing SDSU was the convenience of being close to home,” Liechti said.
The current population of the SDSU student body is approximately 11,995 total students. Of that number, 8,132, or 67.7 percent, of the students are originally from South Dakota.
Liechti said another attraction of the university was its affordability. SDSU’s tuition is cheaper for in-state students than out-of-state students.
“Overall, I have been happy with my classes and professors,” Liechti said. “There’s always a few you don’t like, but overall it has worked out really well, and I think I’m getting a good education.”
Liechti said some of his favorite activities on campus are the athletic events.
“I think I have definitely enjoyed most of my time here,” Liechti said.
Students from 52 countries attend as international studentsNepalese student is happy with experiences in U.S. and at SDSU.
By Tony Gorder
Though some may say SDSU’s population is not diverse, students from 52 different countries are currently attending State.
Shradha Paudel, a junior civil engineering student, is just one of many international students here at SDSU. She is from Kathmandu, Nepal-the capital city. Paudel came to the United States in the fall of 2006 and attended Oklahoma State University.
Paudel said she came to the U.S. because of the political situation of Nepal.
“There was civil war going on – a lot of strikes,” said Paudel.
She also wanted to come to the U.S. because of the fact that it is the United States.
“It’s the United States; come on, everybody wants to come here,” Paudel said.
After attending Oklahoma State University, Paudel transferred to SDSU for the spring 2007 semester.
“After I came to the United States, I realized there are others that were cheaper than Oklahoma State,” she said. “I looked online and SDSU was cheaper compared to other universities.”
Paudel said that she likes both SDSU and the people here.
“I think [SDSU] is great. I like the people here, too. Everybody is really nice to me. I’ve hardly met any bad people or people who do not treat me right. Everybody has been really, really nice.”
Paudel said she even recommended SDSU to a Nepalese friend at Oklahoma State, and he transferred here for the spring 2009 semester.
It was only this past winter break that Paudel went back to her home in Nepal after three years. It was her first time being back since 2006
“It was a lot of fun. It was kind of weird because I was here for three years, and going back to those old days seemed kind of different, but it also felt good to be home.”
Editor’s Note: Brent Liechti’s name was spelled incorrectly in the Mar. 4 issue of The Collegian.