Beards add warmth and so much more
January 26, 2010
Billie Jo Kubat
When walking around campus, it is easy to tell that a majority of the male population has embraced the latest male fashion statement: growing facial hair. What has caused part of the male population to grow a beard or other forms of facial hair?
“It is a winter thing,” said Brian Flynn, a sixth-year history major. “It is seasonally appropriate and can help with winter safety.”
That is not the only reason men will grow facial hair.
Nathan Robey, a junior athletic training major, and Aaron Holland, a senior parks and recreation major, both said they grew a beard because they did not want to shave every day.
“It is really simple,” said Arion Poitra, a senior graphic design major. “I only have to clean my beard up once a week.”
Girls have mixed emotions about facial hair.
“I hate facial hair,” said Kara Bleyenburg, a junior early childhood education major. “I think guys grow facial hair because they feel manlier, but I prefer a clean-shaven guy.”
Not all girls dislike facial hair, however.
“I don’t mind a guy with a little scruff,” said Tessa Bollinger, a freshman pre-nursing student.
Jordan Bettmann, a junior advertising major, has his own theory about girls’ preferences.
“Some girls say they do not like facial hair, but I think secretly every girl likes facial hair a little,” said Bettmann.
Some question whether facial hair looks professional. If a guy keeps his facial hair well-groomed he can look very professional, but if he doesn’t then he can look like a bum, said Flynn.
Holland said a beard needs to be well-trimmed and maintained to look professional.
Most college men are not growing facial hair to look professional.
“Every guy wants to grow a beard,” said Holland. “The ones that can do and the ones that cannot are usually smart enough not to try.”
So how long will this new male fashion statement last?
“I think beards will stay in fashion for a while,” said Poitra. “As long as celebrities like Brad Pitt and George Clooney have beards, then the rest of the male population will be tempted to grow facial hair.”
Bettmann said the decision ultimately comes down to the individual.
“It depends on the personality of the guy,” said Bettmann. “Some guys have a clean-cut personality and others have rugged personalities that want to grow facial hair.”