OP-ED: Clearing the smoke with Students? Association

Brett Monson

Brett MonsonStudents? Association President

I hope to clear up any possible confusion about the Smoking-Ban Resolution that was passed on the senate floor at the Nov. 29 Students’ Association meeting.

To clear up any misconceptions about what the resolution and the results entail, the senators voted 15 to 12 for the following:

BE IT RESOLVED: That the Students’ Association sponsors a campus-wide student/employee vote to approve a smoke-free campus.

What this means is that we as the student government representatives feel as though this is bigger than just 27 students to vote on. We want to give the students the right to take ownership on this issue and let them decide the outcome. We as the senate will merely facilitate the voting and communication about the issue to the public.

An implementation committee, chaired by myself, will be meeting Friday, Dec. 10, to discuss how to carry this resolution out for the students.

If you have any questions or feed back, please fill out an SA comment card by Information Exchange in the Student Union, call the SA Office at 605-688-5181, or e-mail your elected representatives whose contact information can be found at www.sdstatesa.com.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Your friend and fellow student,

Brett Monson

Students’ Association President
