Think of those impacted by cuts
April 12, 2011
Issue: Many SDSU employees have been laid off or had their pay reduced as a result of the state’s current financial situation.
These are tough times.
People are losing their jobs. Lives are changing.
Everyone knew the budget reductions would result in cuts of some sort at SDSU, but no one knew to what extent it would impact the people that make up SDSU — the people many of you probably know and see on a regular basis.
We’ve reported what cuts have been confirmed, but more are likely on the way. It’s not over yet. Hard decisions had to be made, and we’ll be hearing about more of them in the near future.
In times like these, it’s easy to try to find people to blame for what’s happening — the governor, the Legislature, university administration and so on. There may be a time for that, but now isn’t that time. Now is the time for everyone to think about those who are affected by the cuts; show them you care.
Stance: To those who have lost their jobs, thank you for your service. We know this is a difficult time.
Editorial Board:
Tony Gorder, Editor-in-Chief
Emma DeJong, Managing Editor
Elizabeth Reiss, Opinion Editor
The editorial board meets and agrees on the issue of the editorial. The editorial represents the opinion of The Collegian.