Reading Day will miss mark


Issue: The day before finals week of the fall semester may become Reading Day – a day for studying outside the classroom.

This is another one of those issues good in theory, but probably not in practice.

The university is considering ending all classes a day early, giving students a day of no class and the greater availability to study.

Think of the possibilities.

The likelihood that this final Friday will be a day filled with reading and studying seems small. However, the bars may have much better chances at increasing their business.

And as far as studying and preparation go, it’s common for instructors to use that last day for class review sessions. These are typically just as – if not more – helpful than independent studying. Also, spending a couple hours in class does not drastically detract from students’ time studying.

Another purpose of Reading Day is to provide more time for one-on-one appointments between instructors and students. Faculty Senate President Paul Johnson said it best: “We all readily accept student visitation.” Having a day set aside for this seems a little unnecessarily.

Ultimately, it seems clear that the main purpose of this new study day is being considered to meet the minimum number of days for a semester. After all, why is the day not considered for the spring semester?

Students are not likely to read on Reading Day. They’re likely to do whatever they do on days off.

Stance: The Board of Regents should not approve the implementation of Reading Day.