Moms came for a weekend of fun with fellow SDSU students

By EMILY BOUTA Juice Editor


 Not just moms came out for the weekend of fun. Family members came to provide support for their Jackrabbits. Mom’s Weekend was a hit, and plans for next year are already under way, according to Heather Costello, events coordinator. 

“We had 145 moms register. I would estimate we had around 320 people with moms and other family members,” said Costello. 

Since it was the first Mom’s Weekend, the committee didn’t really know what people would think or like. The Home Free concert seemed to be the biggest hit. Katie Lutter, freshman nursing major, and her mom Cindy Lutter had a great time at Mom’s Weekend. 

“We both really enjoyed the Home Free concert,” Katie said.

Similarly Alex Erie, freshman sociology major, also had a great time at Mom’s Weekend with her mom Karae Erie. 

“I really liked the concert,” Alex said. “Even though me and my mom only went to a few things like the softball game and we got ice cream, I enjoyed the concert the most.”

Costello said the attendance was good and the families enjoyed the variety of events.

“Everyone loved the Home Free concert, Medary Acres tour, Campanile climb and time at the Dairy Bar,” Costello said. “We also had a great attendance at the breakfast, which was sponsored by animal science and Aramark, and also the evening banquet.”

Having the moms on campus gave them the chance to meet everyone that their student associates with, which was what most moms liked the most about moms weekend. Cindy Lutter, freshman Katie Lutter mom said, “I enjoyed meeting her friends and their moms.”

Future plans of Mom’s Weekend will include relaxing time for the participants of Mom’s Weekend, As well as making a bigger schedule. “We plan to add more events to our schedule, for sure the opportunity to participate in some spa type events like massages, manicure and pedicures,” Costello said. 

Next year will have more activities, but this year was a great start to Mom’s Weekend.