Why not try something new


I started writing for The Collegian my freshman year when I was an engineering student and learned about The Collegian through a poster.

I’d never written anything with the intention to share it with people before I joined the staff. But coming to college gave me some confidence to share what I felt, surprisingly. I still remember the happiness I experienced when my first article was published.

The Collegian was one way for me to get involved with something on campus — something that I also enjoyed and have loved to invest my time in. Because of this I want to encourage others to get involved on campus through clubs and organizations, student government or other ways.

Gaining experience by being involved in different clubs and organizations is important in different ways. Learning real life experience, organizing events, holding meetings, getting to know new people, acquiring a professional attitude, understanding the system and development of skills are just few of the many things you will learn by getting involved.

For me, being part of an engineering club did not make me want to change my major, but writing for The Collegian did.

Moral of the story: participate in clubs that are not just related to your field of study, but clubs that can help you get more involved with your interests. Spending time on your hobby will keep you happy and it might lead you to new opportunities.

So, next semester, do not ignore the idea of going to a club meeting. Learn about different clubs, and if you cannot find one, you can definitely make one.

Palak Barmaiya is a nutrition and dietetics major and can be reached at [email protected].