Jobs cause most stress
October 21, 2002
Sean Kennedy
The day starts out like any other, you get up, take a shower, go to class. Then you go to work.
For college students, work is another stress causing factor that adds to the already high amount in their lives.
According to the American Institute of Stress, work is the leading source of stress for Americans.
Accidents, absenteeism, employee turnover, diminished productivity, direct medical, legal and insurance costs, and workers’ compensation awards are all costs that companies have to endure as a result of rising job stress, according to the AIS.
Students have a harder time, balancing both classes and work.
Shantel Spielmann, a junior range management major, said that work is the most stressful part of her life.
“Definitely work. Work is like 60 percent of my life,” Spielmann said.
Spielmann works at a local retail store 30 hours per week and corrects papers for the math department on top of her full time course load.
Despite all of her stress, Spielmann said that work is not the reason for her stress, but things that happen on the job that cause her stress.
“I don’t mind work. I like work. It’s just the little things that get to you sometimes,” she said.
Some of the stressful things that Spielmann named as causing her stress are rude customers and scheduling problems.
Spielmann is one of many students at SDSU trying to balance classes and work.
Adding to her stress this week include midterms and attempting to plan out her classes schedule for the spring semester.
Relieving this stress is an important part of staying healthy. According to the AIS, stress is the top health problem in America and has been increasing since the 1980s.
Stress can cause such health problems as hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, ulcers and neck or lower back pain.
Stress is not all bad though. Some stress is needed in order for the human body to function.
The important thing to remember when dealing with stress is take some time and relax, the AIS Web site reports.
Relaxing can include anything from taking a few minutes by yourself and listening to soft music or heading out for a night on the town with some of your friends.