Little Coverage of AgBio events

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Dear SDSU Collegian Staff:When I picked up a Collegian on March 19, I was hoping to find a half-page story on the 80th Little International with a photo. However, I had to search to find the poorly edited, tiny story on the bottom of page 3. I was further disappointed to see the headline (Little ‘I’ a-comin’) and the even more disgusting subhead (Blue blazers to hit SDSU campus once again). In case you didn’t notice, hardly anyone wore an FFA jacket and a lot of those kids that came were in 4-H anyway.

Little I at SDSU is the largest student-run agricultural exposition in the nation. Students from many different colleges help run the show. I was hoping the Collegian would figure it out that Little I is a big deal to over 100 staff members, many faculty, and future SDSU students. I even thought that seeing as 2003 marked the 80th anniversary you would write an article that discussed the event more by possibly interviewing someone participating in the event.

Then, after being asked for a photo of the four big winners of Little I events by your photo editor because nobody on the Collegian staff knew what days Little I was, I did not see it run in the March 25 issue. Plus, you did not report on any of the other winners like you have in the past.

I beg you, as students return to campus for the 75th State FFA Convention, please write something that would make them feel welcome for once. Also, could you please report on what happens in the entire university instead of focusing almost all of your stories on the College of Arts and Sciences?

SDSU is a land-grant university that is based on agriculture. One of the purposes of a land-grant university is extension. Little I reaches out to high school students and 4-H members and teaches them about agriculture. Please try covering some of the events that happen in the College of Ag and Bio and in the other colleges, outside of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Thanks.Wendy MohrhauserAg JournalismHartford

Current Address and Phone: 710 13th Ave. (605) 692-7912

NOTE: On top of page 3, you still have 2002 as the year. And, in the paper version, it says you must submit a letter to the editor by Wednesday, while the website says by Friday at 5 p.m. Thanks.