KSDJ/Ashley Allen
March 22, 2003
In this letter to the editor, I actually confront two problems that are both related. First, with the recent departures of two top managers for KSDJ, questions have to arise about whether the changes to the station are for the better? Granted, the listenership is up for the station which is good, but it’s not a commercial station. College radio stations are for expression, which is not allowed until the new format. The station has gone from playing music that you normally wouldn’t be introduced to, to now playing the same music everyone else plays.Second, with the war now in stride, it is my feeling that Ashley Allen is taking himself way to seriously. On Friday at Noon, KSDJ went on the air with a panel of 5-6 “guests” who were supposedly “experts” on one aspect of the war. I’m sorry, but a majority of people are not going to be turning to KSDJ for serious news coverage. That’s why people have telelvisions or friends with televisions.
Heath IsaacsonSeniorCommunications Studies MajorBrookings, SD(605)692-5302