New Web-Exclusive Section!
February 25, 2004
Adam Zobel
We’re going to attempt to do some different things with our website. One reason is that some stories and columns occassionally end up being bumped from our paper edition due to space constraints. For example, we will be posting the letter released by the cheerleading squad explaining their actions on Saturday. In addition, this section may also contain photos that were not able to make it in the paper.
Another advantage of our new web-exclusive section is the potential of adding breaking stories during the week that may affect the campus community.
In addition, this section will feature a regular “update” from yours truly. I will likely vary my commentary, using local and national issues in addition to stories that may occur in my life.
Feedback is crucial with this section as some of the ideas used here may be adapted into the printed paper.
Thank you for your readership of the SDSU Collegian. It is our hope that we will continue to serve our readers in a beneficial manner.