Heather Mangan
The Student’s Association approved the allocation of money to SDSU’s chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers at its weekly meeting Monday.
The chapter received the Robert Ridgway Award in May and must travel to a national conference in Baltimore Oct. 20 to receive the award. Nicole Tomaszewski, of the society, asked the SA to help the chapter fund their trip.
She said that 18 students will be traveling to Baltimore. The conference will also feature professional engineers, Tomaszewski said.
“All students involved in civil engineering will benefit,” she said.
Each student has already made a $200 deposit for the trip, she said. The chapter hasn’t been able to raise much funds because school was already out for the summer when they were notified about the award.
Tomaszewski and other members of the chapter asked SA for an extra $200 per person to cover the cost of the trip. The senators unanimously agreed to give the chapter $3,600 for their trip.
In other SA business:
* President Amanda Mattingly announced they will no longer be holding office hours in the dining areas. She said office hours will be held at the SA office in the new University Student Union. There were problems with senators coming to office hours and there weren’t any phones or computers for them to do work.
* Vice President Doug Timm announced the next media counsel meeting will b e held Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. in room 124 of the new union.
* SA Advisor Marysz Rames said that Dining Services have responded to some of the suggestions that senators made at the Sept. 13 SA meeting. The changes they have made include adding fruit and dry cereal bowls to Java City, ordering lids for the dining areas, putting Argus Leaders in the dining area and having smaller grab-and-go salads at each dining location.
* SA approved sponsoring sample ballot posters that will hang throughout campus.
The next SA meeting will be held Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. in Peterson Recital Hall in Lincoln Music Hall.