Balancing School and Pregnancy
September 14, 2004
The article titled “Women balance school, Pregnancy” was to me made out to sound like it was so hard to do. I had my daughter when I was in high school and all the girls i hung out with had children at that time too. When i read the article it just seemed like thatwas the only time that it was hard for parents. I wish that i would have been in college when my daughter was born. The pregnancy would have been easier because you wouldnt get all the bad looks, people talking about you behind your back, feelinglike you had to hide it, losing respect from your teachers and other peers because they think you are a slut. Teachers is high school were not cool about pregnant teens, after the teachers found out (from the counsilors) you could stand outside their doors and listen to them talk bad about you. I believe that being pregnant in college is a lot easier than highschool, depending on if you have help from the father. Ive known many girls that have had children and so not go on to college. To me that gave me more reason to just like they said in the article.
Jessica Tingle705 6th Ave S #3Brookings, SD 57006605-690-5136Early Childhood Education (Birth to 5)