Students set weight goal
November 15, 2004
Amy BrownETC Editor
Health-conscious SDSU students can take part in Fight the Fat at the HPER Center starting this week.
The Wellness Center is sponsoring a program to help the community and SDSU lose 2,000 pounds by Jan. 24.
Fight the Fat runs from Nov. 15 to Jan. 24. Over a period of 10 weeks the Wellness Center will provide tips on nutrition, exercise, healthy recipes, group activities and motivation.
Individuals or teams can take part in Fight the Fat. Participants set goals for weight loss and weigh in every two weeks at the HPER to track their progress.
One sophomore apparel merchandising major signed up as motivation to stick to her exercise plan. She hopes the program will motivate her to work out on a more regular basis.
For $5 students or Wellness Center members can join Fight the Fat to lose weight by healthy behaviors like dieting and exercise. Non-members, such as Brookings residents, can join for $20.
This is the second year Fight the Fat has been at SDSU. The program started in Minnesota, wellness coordinator Shari Landmark said. Landmark and health promotion major Brooke Dickmeyer are organizing Fight the Fat.
Students can win prizes and coupons for sticking with the program, even if they do not reach their weight loss goal. There’s also a friendly competition between the men’s and women’s teams to keep members motivated.
Last year 40 students participated in Fight the Fat. This year, Landmark hopes for higher numbers.
The program started on Monday, but students can still sign up until Nov. 19, Landmark said. To sign up, go to the Wellness Center Service Desk at the HPER.
Or contact Nutrition, Food Science and Hospitality Department at 688-5161.