ARAMARK receives award
November 29, 2005
Shayla Waugh
ARAMARK, the food service provider for the SDSU campus, was presented with a mayor’s award for outstanding employer of the year on Oct. 12.
David Menzel, director of dining services at SDSU, said ARAMARK was awarded for its extensive support of disability services. He said that dining services works extensively with business such as Advance in providing individuals with the chance to work on campus and develop their occupational skills. He said the business is proud of each of its employees.
“I think that anytime you can help a person to move in their career, that is what makes my job so rewarding,” said Menzel.
Menzel, who has been in the food service business for 24 years, said the greatest part about his occupation is the opportunity to work with students and see them mature from their first year on campus to the time they graduate. He said working on a college campus provides different opportunities each day.
Menzel said ARAMARK, after receiving the mayor’s award, is now eligible for a statewide governor’s award. The mayor’s award was given to a public employer of more than 100 employees.
Menzel said he feels ARAMARK is currently running very well. He said the UFSAC, the University Food Service Advisory Committee, is the strongest committee he has seen in his career.
“UVSAC is absolutely phenomenal in bringing students and faculty together in not only talking about food service matters, but also in actually initiating that conversation into action,” he said.
He said students are always welcome at UVSAC meetings, and the committee is truly there for the customers.
“I feel very comfortable with our services right now. I think the Union is functioning very well. We have the right people in the right positions to get the job done,” he said.
The award was presented during the National Disability Employment Awareness Month banquet at the Brookings Inn. The banquet was sponsored by Brookings Committee with People with Disabilities, the Board of Vocational Rehabilitation and Career Advantage. Six awards in different categories were presented.