Participate in the presidential search


Alex Halbach, Sa President

I had the opportunity last weekend to experience the Safe-Ride program first hand, riding as a passenger on the bus for two hours on one of its first nights in operation. The pilot program is moving forward successfully-we had about 30 riders our first night, and since then the number of riders has doubled. We expect the number of riders to continue to grow as word of the program spreads. Starting this fall, the program will be fully implemented. Students will continue to ride free, and non-students will be required to pay $5 for a ride. The pilot program is useful because it allows us to tweak the stop schedule to make sure the bus goes everywhere necessary to serve students, and gives us better cost estimates for the entire program.

In the past few weeks, I’ve had quite a few questions regarding the presidential search process that will be used to replace President Miller as she retires. I mentioned in my last column that I was one of two student selected to represent student concerns on the search committee. The committee schedule has us together for just three more meetings before our recommendations are presented to the Board of Regents, who will make the ultimate decision on Miller’s successor. Just this past week, the committee had its first meeting, where we continued discussion on what we would like to see in our next president. As time goes on, resum