Dan Nelson
Planning for the future and looking for strategic preparations to solve future global problems were the primary issues discussed in this year’s Griffith Honors Forum Lecture.
“Could we have predicted in the ’60s and ’70s the march of technology currently taking place in our world? No one could have predicted the changes we’re witnessing today,” said Erik Peterson, director of the Seven Revolutions Initiative.
The Griffith Honors Forum Lecture was established by the board of directors of the William Mibra Griffith and Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation to bring nationally known speakers to SDSU.
“After years of preparing students for tomorrow, I have come to realize how much a treasured gift people like Erik Peterson really are,” said President Peggy Miller in front of a crowd of roughly 120 at the Performing Arts Center on April 6.
Peterson spoke about the seven revolutions: population, strategic resource management, technological innovation, information, global economic integration, conflict and governance.
Peterson works as the senior vice president for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C.
He believes the seven revolutions initiatives provide essential analysis in planning and bringing together a more stable effort in looking at problems concerning global issues, as well as providing world leaders with strategic insights on emerging global issues.
The rapid growth of populations poses a serious threat to countries that cannot support their own development, said Peterson.
Even a more difficult task, he said, is feeding the growing populations and providing the land space, land quality and water, which all correlate into weight decisions for tomorrow.
“One flush of today’s Western toilet would provide enough water for washing, cooking and eating for one person in a developing country,” said Peterson.
Technology plays the most obvious role in future advancements and continues to play a major role in shaping everyday life, Peterson explained.
“Because of technology, we can now personalize medicine and throw out the one-size-fits-all approach,” Peterson said.
Online information becomes more and more accessible and depicts a large variety of media.
“We’re moving to a world where we choose our own truth,” said Peterson.
Integration and economic expansion is taking place on the largest scale in history with countries growing at exceptionally fast rates, Peterson added.
However, disparities still exist.
“2.8 billion people live on two dollars a day,” said Peterson.
Governance and military approaches are taking place globally.
Companies are being forced to display beliefs in certain issues and military efforts depend on aid and peace processes for the modern model to take place, Peterson explained.
He broke down the seven revolutions as guidelines for upcoming promises and perils and encourages the leaders of this world to not simply become managers, but rather maintain solid-based decisions.
“Advancements not only impact the survival of ourselves, but also provide our children with a brighter future,” he said.