Ali Brown
If you are graduating this May, congratulations. Go forth with your knowledge of psychology concepts and math theorems and embrace the real world. May your journey into the real world be profitable, with no sign of Ramen noodles, final projects or a $400 bill for “required” textbooks.
I have delayed graduation. Although I first stepped on campus at SDSU four years ago, I won’t graduate this May. And for this, I am thankful. I’m not ready to graduate yet. I thought that by the time I was a senior in college, I would know what I wanted to do with my life.
This was pure fantasy. In reality, I’m not much more certain I was as a freshman at SDSU. Only now, I’m getting closer to graduating (this coming December), and the clock is ticking.
I do know a lot more today than I did at 18, but my chosen career isn’t something I’ve stumbled upon just yet. Sure, I have a major and a minor but I’m not sure exactly what I want to do after I finish college. And I’m pretty sure that philosophy minor is not going to open many doors to a career, unless I want to attempt graduate school.
During winter break, I met a high-school friend for coffee. She’s graduating in May from a college in Minneapolis, and has a job set up for after graduation. But she feels no more certain than I do. She doesn’t know if she’ll love or hate the job.
After basically 17 years of being in a classroom, you have to face life without school, and look for a “real job.” No more sleeping until 10 a.m. on Wednesdays, and staying up until 3 a.m. on Thursdays. I’m also guessing it is more difficult to justify going out with friends on a weeknight when you have to be at work at 8 a.m. the next morning.
Right now, I’m just hoping I won’t have to move back in with my parents after graduation. That has been the course of action for more than one college graduate I know. Most of them spend about 3 to 6 months at home before finding a place of their own.
The trend has been labeled “boomerang kids.” These people left home for college, then moved in with their parents after graduation. I suspect most college grads don’t do this by choice, but perhaps financial necessity. Chances are, I, too, might have to swallow my pride and move back in with the parents while I search for a “real job.”
As I think of the concept of “real jobs” I picture professions that don’t involve a cash register or taking someone’s lunch order at a chain restaurant. I’m hoping whatever job I get after receiving my diploma from SDSU will pay more than $7 an hour. I realize I may be sadly disappointed.
I’ve often joked that my fallback plan is working at Walgreens. Think about it. Although there is no Walgreens in Brookings, it has several locations in Sioux Falls and probably every state in the nation. Oddly enough, Walgreens stores are always located on a corner. But I digress..
Good luck, SDSU graduates. And remember, if you want to delay the real world a little longer, there’s always grad school.
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