Free speech hidden in vandalism

Tasiyagnunpa Livermont Dubray

Cowards. You are cowards.

You crept in like snakes in the pitch dark, early Thursday morning, and defaced a church in the name of choice. You wrote “No Iraq War” in black spray paint on the brick facing of the Newman Center this morning, while also spraying the female symbol on the anti-abortion sign which accompanies the Birthright display. Then you knocked the sign down.

I am not a Catholic, but in response to your attack on the pro-life movement, I resent your pathetic attempt at free speech. Instead, I challenge you, as well as the pro-abortion activists you represent, to a debate in the public arena.

You want to exercise your right to say what you will about abortion and the war? Fine.

I’ll debate you. I am pro-life, I am a Christian, and I am not afraid of you.

Debate me, and any other pro-lifers who would stand with me, instead of defacing more property in the name of your evil cause.

This is the United States of America and free speech is our right. Defacing and destroying property is not.

Before you step up to the microphone, you should know a few things. Rev. Paul Rutten is also against the war. His church is not pro-war. I myself am not entirely for the war. But nobody, as Rev. Paul Rutten said to me this morning (Aug 31), wants ugly spray paint on their church, even if it is a slogan you believe.

Instead, I believe this to be a pathetic justification on why Christians should not worry about abortion. Don’t forget that while we always love and respect our troops, some Christians don’t support the war. Of course, some Christians aren’t pro-life either, but don’t paint us all with the same brush stroke or spray can.

The vandalism against the Campus Catholics today was a direct assault on the pro-life movement. If you were a complete pacifist, you would not have damaged property. That is a violent act.

Rev. Paul Rutten told me this morning, “I will pray for the person or persons who did this for that is what Christ would ask of us. I will not allow it to dampen my joy in Christ.” I stand with him on this. I pray that somehow the love of Jesus would penetrate your angry armor of hate.

I doubt you will show your face to debate me. After all, you are now wanted by the police. But I would welcome any other pro-abortion activists who would like a chance at civilized debate.

To Rev. Paul Rutten and the students at the Catholic Campus Parish, in the words of my pastor’s wife, when she heard what happened to you, “When one cries, we all cry.” I stand with you in our verbal and political fight against the murder of thousands of innocent babies every year. May Jesus be with you and comfort you as well.