Letter to the Editor: Syllabus


In the Oct. 18 issue of The Collegian, an article (“Syllabus statement draws fire,” A1) explained how the new addition into the syllabus gives students more power and how it was approved without faculty input. Some faculty members were quoted on how they disagree.

Well, the only reason a professor should feel threatened by this is if the students as a whole are not learning anything in that professor’s class. Dr. Phelps is one of the faculty members who was quoted. He is a good example of someone who would (and should) feel threatened, since he is well known for his poor attitude in class and his lack of concern for his students.

One thing that these professors forgot is that the students are indirectly their main source of income. Also, in the real world, if someone does not do his or her job, they get fired. If the people paying for their education cannot learn because of the professor, that professor should also be reevaluated.

Kevin Hoekman