Kyle Jameson
Do you remember innocent note-passing? It was just you and your middle school crush engaged in a series of pointless flattery. I think this simple act should be resurrected at this point in our lives. Wouldn’t it be great if your significant other just dropped you a quick message, whether it’s on paper, Facebook or e-mail? I think the best way to brighten someone’s day with a note is through the act of writing a Haiku.
This Japanese poetry form is arranged in three lines: the first contains five syllables, the second contains seven syllables and the third contains five syllables. I went through the work of coming up with a few examples to express any type of feelings you may be having. It is important to note if you use any of mine, I want any royalties you may make off my brilliance.
You’re NeatI enjoy your faceIt looks nice in a mirrorIs that a pimple?
I Like, Like YouI think about youConstant, beautiful, kind thoughtsPlease lend me your car
Holiday LoveSnow gently falls downI see your bright eyes glistenWhy are you cross-eyed?
Love/HateYour presence scares meCharming and nicely you smileLet go of my hair
Obsessed LoveYou control my mindPowerful, intense feelingsI swallowed the key
Geek LoveYou make my pits sweatStunning like Princess LeiaGaming is better
Binary LoveOne zero zeroZero zero one zeroOne one zero one
Stalker LoveYour door was openMany bright pretty sweatersYour boyfriend is strong
Friend LoveYou are always thereTrust, compassion, empathyDude, that’s my girlfriend
Unrequited LoveWhy don’t you love me?Empty, lost, lonelyI’m wearing your bra
Puppy LoveAarf, woof, barky barkI am hungry for kibbleYour butt smells friendly
Sporty LoveYou are a touchdownCelebration and thrillingNothing like jock itch
Romantic LoveI long for your touchSoft, warm and gentle embraceThe candles burned me
True LoveYour life completes meContent, comfortable, whole loveI farted on you