On The Road Tour is positive move for SDSU


Issue: SDSU recently completed its second On The Road Tour, a cooperative venture between the university, the SDSU Alumni Association and the SDSU Foundation to strengthen connections between SDSU and the rest of the state.

Institutions often seem faceless. That’s why we’re glad the university is doing the On The Road Tour.

Traveling across the state with department heads, students, deans and even the president shows that SDSU cares about the numerous communities across the state that make up the larger SDSU community. The university made a great choice to include representatives from all aspects of SDSU, from Students’ Association senators to represent the students to President Chicoine himself.

It serves as an excellent public relations move. Not only that, it’s a great way to show donors and other stakeholders what their contributions and efforts are going towards, which is a first-class university.

This tour also gives alumni a chance to catch-up with SDSU in a very personal way. It’s this type of outreach that makes alumni feel appreciated. In turn, perhaps these alumni, if not already donors, will consider contributing to the university in the future.

Stance: The On The Road Tour is a great idea. We commend the university, Alumni Association, and the SDSU Foundation for creating this tour. It’s great PR, raises money and shows that SDSU is invested in statewide outreach, which, in turn, invests the state in SDSU.