23: Underage Consumption
1: Public Urination
1: Illegal U-turn
4: Possession of Marijauna
4: Ingestion of Substance
4: Possession of Paraphernalia
2: Speeding
1: Underage Possession
3: Open Container
1: Vandalism
1: Agency Assist
2: Fire Alarm
2: Medical Emergency
1: Security Alarm
3: Motor Vehicle Hit and Run
2: Grand Theft
2: Eye Protection Required
1: No Valid Driver’s License
4: Petty Theft
1: Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road
1: Intentional Property Damage
2: Theft
2: Motor Vehicle Vandalism
1: Fictitious Identification
2: Common Nuisance
1: Assualt
1: Stop Sign Violation
1: Harassment
1: Littering
1: Driving Suspended
2: Underage Suspension
1: Financial Responsibility
1: Headlight Out